Battlepanda: Santorum to the rescue


Always trying to figure things out with the minimum of bullshit and the maximum of belligerence.

Thursday, April 21, 2005

Santorum to the rescue

If Senator "man-on-dog" Santorum has his way, soon the National Weather Service will no longer be allowed to offer weather information on the internet free to the public. You see, federal meteorlogist are unfairly subsidized by tax dollars, enabling them to just give away the forecasts as a public good. Hardly sporting considering there are private enterprises like The Weather Channel and Accuweather trying to make a buck here. This "socialized weather" business have gone on for long enough!

(Seriously though. This bill is not just dumb, it's idiotic. In addition of not allowing the public to access the information that they paid for, National Weather Service employees will also no longer be able to give one-on-one interviews with reporters because they have to ensure that every weather service out there sucking off the public's teat for their information flow gets "simultaneous and and equal access".

It's a dark day indeed when the frickin' Weather Channel can get a gimme bill introduced in the senate. What's next? The mighty toothpick lobby pushing through legislation mandating toothpick consumption targets? Federal subsidies for the mohair producers of America? Oh wait.)