Battlepanda: He's still on Death Row...


Always trying to figure things out with the minimum of bullshit and the maximum of belligerence.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

He's still on Death Row...

Laura Denyes at What is Liberalism has made some buttons that will take you to the website. If you blogged about Cory Maye (or even if you didn't), keeping a button like this in your sidebar is a good way of reminding people that he is still on death row.

Click here to get your own button out of a selection.

The list of bloggers who blogged this story is still being updated, though new posts have slowed to a trickle. We had a great reaction, but it did not translate into mainstream media attention. I'm going to keep on doing my bit, updating the list and keeping up with the story over at the Agitator.

Not going to give up on this guy...