Battlepanda: Notes from a Weird Island : Combat grandmas


Always trying to figure things out with the minimum of bullshit and the maximum of belligerence.

Monday, June 04, 2007

Notes from a Weird Island : Combat grandmas

Report from the China Times (translation by me):
Age is no barrier to jealousy! A seventy-one-year-old woman surnamed Chan (詹), suspecting an inappropriate relationship between her husband and a seventy-six-year-old woman surnamed Chang (張), took a wooden stick to Chang's residence for a confrontation. Chang retaliated using a hammer, a can of pesticides and with bites. Both women sued each other for bodily harm.

The judge ruled that Chan forcibly entered another's residence without cause, inflicted bodily harm and destroyed eight bottles of preserved kumquats, fining her NT $13,000. Chang was found guilty only of bodily harm, and fined NT $3000.

It is understood that Chang frequently gave food to Chan's husband, leading to the suspicions on Chan's part. According to the verdict, the morning of December 25 last year, Chan and a unnamed man went to Chang's residence in Dongshan county, Yilan, and broke into the house.

The two women got into a argument that turned viiolent. The man with Chan grabbed Chang's arm as Chan beat her rival in love with a stick. Chang in turn fought back with a hammer. By the end of the fight, Chang had sustained minor injuries to her head, right knee and back while Chan suffered injury and bruises to her hands. Chang's eight jars of preserved kumquats were broken.

Both women denied attacking the other. Chan said that she was alone when she went over to Chang's house. She said she told Chang to stop pursuing her husband. Chang responded by spraying her face with pesticide and hurting her hands with a hammer.

The older Chang said that she used the pesticide in self-defence and that the man with Chan held her so that Chang could hit her. She admits to wielding a hammer but maintains that she did not use it on Chan, and that she only bit Chan once.

The presiding judge pointed out that police picture showed a chaotic scene with furniture in disarray and broken jars of preserved kumquat everywhere.
I wish I would be energetic enough to rumble with my rivals in love in my seventies. What's their secret? Preserved kumquat?